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What One Needs To Know: Benefits of Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are a staple in Indian, Sri Lankan, and Southeast Asian cooking. Although originating from the Indian subcontinent, curry leaves are famous worldwide for their distinctive aroma and earthy, slightly citrusy flavour. Beyond their remarkable flavour, curry leaves are also a rich source of nutrients, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that offer numerous benefits for overall well-being. From aiding digestion to promoting hair health and even possessing potential medicinal properties, this article talks about the remarkable health benefits curry leaves offer.

Benefits of Curry Leaves 

Given below are the various benefits of curry leaves that make them a promising addition to any diet.

Anti-cancer Benefits

Curry leaves exhibit impressive potential in cancer prevention due to the various beneficial compounds they contain. An alkaloid named girinimbine found in curry leaves has shown the ability to induce cell death in colon cancer cells, marking a significant breakthrough. Moreover, curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, including quercetin, catechin, rutin, and gallic acid, which, along with girinimbine, possess anti-cancer properties.

The application of curry leaf extract has demonstrated anti-cancer properties by effectively inhibiting the proliferation of an aggressive strain of breast cancer. It not only reduced the viability of two distinct breast cancer cell types but also induced cell death in these malignant cells. Additionally, studies also indicate the efficacy of curry leaf extract in curbing cervical cancer cells.

Oral administration of curry leaf extract effectively lowers tumour growth and limits the spread of breast cancer cells to the lungs. While the evidence is promising, further research is necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of curry leaves’ cancer-fighting potential.

Protects From Heart Diseases

High levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are common risk factors for heart disease. Curry leaf extract plays a vital role in reducing excessive triglycerides and cholesterol levels. In a 2-week trial involving obese individuals, oral supplementation with 136 mg of curry leaf extract per day (equivalent to 300 mg per kg of body weight) led to a significant reduction in cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This reduction is due to the presence of the alkaloid mahanimbine within curry leaves.

Mahanimbine acts as a potent agent that hinders the development of diet-related issues known to increase the risk of heart disease, including elevated blood lipids, fat accumulation, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Although these findings are promising, continued research is necessary to substantiate these claims further.

Protects From Oxidative Damage

Curry leaves are a rich source of defensive plant-based compounds, including glycosides, phenolic compounds, and alkaloids. Comprehensive research shows a spectrum of beneficial chemicals within curry leaves, such as linalool, caryophyllene, myrcene, mahanimbine, alpha-terpinene, and murrayanol. Many of these compounds act as antioxidants, effectively combating potentially harmful substances known as free radicals and thereby reducing oxidative stress, a precursor to chronic diseases.

Oral administration of curry leaf extract has demonstrated a protective effect against stomach damage induced by medication and a reduction in oxidative stress markers. These findings underline the potential of curry leaf extract in safeguarding the body against oxidative stress-induced harm to vital organs, including the heart, brain, kidneys, and the neurological system.

Combats Neurological Problems

Emerging evidence suggests that curry leaves play a significant role in safeguarding neurological health. Potential compounds within curry leaves that could offer protection against neurological problems, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Curry leaf extracts increase levels of brain-protective antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GRD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Furthermore, curry leaf extract helps reduce oxidative damage to brain cells and lowers the activity of enzymes responsible for the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dermatological Benefits

Curry leaves offer a range of remarkable benefits when applied topically. They possess valuable antimicrobial properties, making them a favoured ingredient in herbal soaps. Furthermore, these leaves impart a refreshing, cooling sensation when used in summertime deodorants, leaving one feeling rejuvenated and fragrant. In addition to their cooling effect, curry leaves also boast potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic qualities, making them a standard inclusion in various facial creams and body lotions.

Creating a paste from curd, turmeric, and curry leaves can alleviate skin rash and irritations. Moreover, a blend of curry leaves and coconut oil can be applied to the hair to improve its quality, while a mixture of curry leaves and lemon juice can strengthen hair roots. Curry leaves contain antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, which may help maintain the hair’s natural colour and slow down the greying process.


Curry leaves offer a multitude of health and dermatological benefits. They have shown promise in cancer prevention due to compounds like girinimbine and antioxidants like quercetin, catechin, rutin, and gallic acid. Notably, curry leaf extract has demonstrated anti-cancer properties against breast and cervical cancer cells, as well as inhibiting tumour growth in breast cancer. In addition to their cancer-fighting potential, curry leaves can aid in heart disease prevention by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thanks to the alkaloid mahanimbine. These leaves are also rich in antioxidants, protecting against oxidative stress, which is a precursor to chronic diseases. Emerging evidence suggests that curry leaves may have a protective role in neurological health, potentially guarding against conditions like Alzheimer’s. Curry leaves’ antimicrobial, cooling, and antibacterial properties make them a valuable ingredient in herbal soaps and skincare products. Topical applications, such as paste with curd and turmeric or mixtures with coconut oil and lemon juice, can alleviate skin issues and strengthen hair. While the evidence is promising, further research is necessary to understand the extent of curry leaves’ health benefits fully.

Ways to Use Curry Leaves

Curry leaves have been a cornerstone of Indian cuisine for centuries, renowned for their distinctive flavour, often described as having subtle citrus notes intertwined with a hint of nuttiness. These leaves are a cherished ingredient in a variety of traditional Indian dishes. Here are several ways to include curry leaves in your cooking:

  • Sautéing curry leaves in ghee over high heat, and then incorporate the infused ghee and softened leaves into your preferred recipe.
  • Infuse broths with the crisp, flavorful essence of curry leaves.
  • Create a delectable seasoning blend by combining dried or fresh curry leaves with complementary spices like cumin seeds, turmeric, and red chilli.
  • Utilise dried curry leaves, either chopped or crumbled, to infuse your savoury recipes with a burst of flavour.
  • Fry curry leaves in hot oil to produce an aromatic oil that can be a dip or a delightful topping for freshly baked bread.
  • Enhance the flavours of sauces and chutneys by adding curry leaves.
  • Finely chop curry leaves and incorporate them into baked goods recipes, such as crackers and breads.


Curry leaves, renowned in Indian cuisine for centuries, add a unique flavour profile with hints of citrus and nuttiness. They are incredibly versatile. Suggestions include sautéing them in ghee, infusing broths, creating seasoning blends, using them dried in recipes, or frying them for aromatic oil. Curry leaves also elevate sauces, chutneys, and even baked goods. Their adaptability allows for a wide range of culinary experimentation, making them a flavorful and essential addition to the kitchen.

Potential Side Effects

Curry leaves are generally safe for consumption and topical use. However, it can cause some side effects, such as:

  • Allergic Reactions: Some might show allergic reactions to curry leaves, experiencing symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, swelling, or respiratory issues. If you have a known allergy to related plants, such as citrus fruits or other herbs, you should exercise caution when using curry leaves.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: In rare cases, excessive consumption of curry leaves in large quantities may lead to mild gastrointestinal discomfort, such as stomach upset or diarrhoea.
  • Skin Sensitivity: When applying curry leaf-based skincare products, those with sensitive skin should do a patch test to ensure they do not develop skin irritations or allergic reactions.


Curry leaves are generally safe for most people when used in culinary and skincare applications. However, rare allergic reactions can occur, leading to symptoms like skin rashes or gastrointestinal discomfort. Individuals with known allergies to related plants should exercise caution. In some cases, excessive consumption of curry leaves may lead to mild stomach upset.


Here is a wonderful unique way of using curry leaves – make a ‘curry leaf pesto’ to impress your family and guests.

Blend fresh curry leaves with roasted peanuts or cashews, garlic, green chillies and some olive oil. And Voila- your pesto is ready!

It’s a delicious twist on a traditional pesto and can be used as a dip, spread or sauce for various dishes.

The Final Word

Curry leaves offer a wealth of health-promoting plant compounds. Research suggests that consuming these leaves can improve your body’s antioxidant defences, potentially reducing the risk factors for heart disease, combating cancer cells, and protecting brain health. The best aspect is their versatility, as you can easily include curry leaves in a wide range of recipes to enhance both the flavour and nutritional value of your meals.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are curry leaves, and how are they used in cooking?

A. Curry leaves, characterised by their dark green, fibrous appearance, find extensive use in Indian cuisine, particularly in South Indian cooking. They are a staple for tempering a wide variety of dishes, including idly, dosa, vada, uttapam, and more.

Q. Do curry leaves offer any nutritional value or health benefits?

A. Curry leaves provide a diverse spectrum of nutritional value and health advantages. These benefits encompass anti-cancer properties, heart protection, neurological well-being, and skin and hair enhancement.

Q. Can curry leaves aid in digestion and gastrointestinal health?

A. Curry leaves, abundant in dietary fibre, play a role in alleviating constipation. Furthermore, this fibre exhibits prebiotic qualities, supporting the maintenance of a healthy gut microbiome. As a result, they contribute to effective digestion and promote gastrointestinal well-being.

Q. Are there potential benefits of curry leaves for weight management?

A. Yes, curry leaves possess cleansing and purifying compounds that contribute to weight loss. Detoxification is considered one of the most effective approaches to rid the body of stored fat, and curry leaves, being rich in fibre, play a role in promoting early satiety and facilitating weight loss.

Q. How do curry leaves affect blood sugar levels and diabetes management?

A. Extract from curry leaves has the potential to reduce elevated blood sugar and protect against diabetic complications like kidney damage and nerve discomfort. The high fibre content in curry leaves helps prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar.

Q. Is there a connection between curry leaves and hair health, like promoting hair growth?

A. Yes, curry leaves offer benefits for preventing premature greying and enhancing hair strength. You can improve hair quality by applying a mixture of these leaves and coconut oil to your hair.

Q. Can curry leaves be used to alleviate skin issues or promote skin health?

A. Their antimicrobial properties make them a good choice for soothing skin rashes and irritations while also improving skin texture.

Q. Are there respiratory or respiratory benefits associated with curry leaves?

A. Research reveals that curry leaves contain a diverse array of chemicals, such as linalool, caryophyllene, myrcene, mahanimbine, alpha-terpinene, and murrayanol. These compounds help with reducing oxidative damage, thereby helping to safeguard against respiratory issues.

Q. Do curry leaves have antioxidant properties?

A. Curry leaves have antioxidant compounds, which, through their antioxidant capabilities, can contribute to overall well-being. The presence of antioxidants within curry leaves, such as glycosides, phenolic compounds, and alkaloids, works by scavenging free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

Q. How are curry leaves used in traditional medicine practices?

A. Curry leaf oil or paste finds application in traditional medicinal practices, where they are employed to prevent various issues such as rashes, hair loss, and even animal bites.

Q. Can curry leaves help with reducing cholesterol levels and improving heart health?

A. High levels of triglycerides and cholesterol pose risk factors that can increase the likelihood of heart disease. Incorporating curry leaves into your diet may help mitigate some of these risk factors. For instance, curry leaf extract effectively reduces excessive triglyceride and cholesterol levels. In a 2-week trial involving obese participants, oral treatment with 136 mg of curry leaf extract (equivalent to 300 mg per kg of body weight per day) successfully lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Q. Are there specific culinary dishes or recipes that prominently feature curry leaves?

A. Curry leaves are popular in South Indian cuisine within India. They are a staple for tempering a variety of dishes, including idly, dosa, vada, uttapam, and more. However, the use of curry leaves extends beyond South Indian cuisine, as people now incorporate them in diverse preparations such as chutneys, curries, and various other culinary applications.

Q. What is the recommended daily intake of curry leaves for health benefits?

A.  There is no widely established recommended daily intake of curry leaves for health benefits. The use and quantity of curry leaves in your diet can vary based on individual preferences and dietary choices.

Q. Can curry leaves interact with medications or have potential side effects?

A. No, curry leaves do not typically interact with medications. These leaves have been a staple in Indian cuisine for generations and are generally considered safe without any severe or hazardous side effects, barring allergies. However, consuming more than 300 grams of curry leaves in a single day may cause stomach upset due to their high fibre content.

Q. What are the similarities and differences between curry leaves and curry powder in terms of health benefits?

A. Curry leaves consist of the fresh or dried leaves from the curry plant. In contrast, curry powder includes additional spices like turmeric powder, coriander, cumin powder, and more.

Research Sources


Chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant profile of essential oil from Murraya koenigii (L.) leaves.

Evaluation of cytotoxic activity from Temurui (Murraya koenigii [Linn.] Spreng) leaf extracts against HeLa cell line using MTT assay

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