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10 Health Benefits of Green Tea

10 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Diet and Nutrition

10 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Many of us LOVE our morning cup of coffee, but these days more people are getting their caffeine fix in a healthier way by making the switch to green tea.  In fact, green tea is considered one of the world’s healthiest drinks so let’s find out the Health Benefits of Green Tea!!! 

While all teas come from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant, green tea is considered to be healthier than other types of tea (such as black tea, white tea or oolong tea) because there is less processing of its leaves.  All tea leaves are treated with oxidisation, yet green tea has less oxidisation than other teas giving it it’s incredible flavour and colour.   

How green tea helps weight loss

The reduced oxidisation of green tea also preserves the natural polyphenols in the tea, increasing its health benefits.  The major polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids, the most active of which are catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which are powerful antioxidants that give you many health benefits.

So whether you make a nice cup of green tea or add some green tea extract to your food we’re sure you’ll feel it’s positive effects on your health.

10 health benefits that might have you making the switch to green tea

– Boost your immunity: We all want to stay healthy with a strong immune system and green tea can help you do that because it is loaded with polyphenols.  These  potent antioxidants will support your immune system, keeping you healthy every day.

– Prevent skin from ageing: If you’re looking for ways to take care of your skin and keep it young, then reach for your favourite green tea.  Studies have shown that the polyphenols in green tea protect your skin from the effects of ultraviolet (UV) light which stops skin cell damage.  Plus, the minerals in green tea reduce the breakdown of collagen in your skin, helping defend against wrinkles and keeping you looking great.

– Weight loss: The health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight range are well known.  So if you’re wanting to lose some weight, or simply want to maintain a healthy weight green, tea may help because tea catechins (especially EGCG) have been found to support weight loss.

– Reduce your risk of cancer: Research shows that the antioxidants found in green tea help your body neutralise the free radicals that cause cell damage.  By increasing your tea consumption, you increase the amount of cancer fighting antioxidants in your body, which may reduce your chance of developing cancers like breast cancer. .

– Enhance your mood: A good mood makes any day better – and green tea may be your short cut to one.  Green tea can give you increased focus, make you more relaxed, inspire creativity, and improve work performance. The EGCG in green tea is thought to make people feel more at ease and improve their memory and attention.  While the l-theanine in tea can boost your mood and improve alertness so you can get the most out of every day.  

Green Tea Loose Leaf

– Improve your brain health: How good it is when your brain is clear and you can plan, think and do things that you want or need to get done?  The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in a cup of green tea not only makes you feel good but may enhance your overall brain performance, especially your memory.  Green tea may also protect your brain from ageing and developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

– Reduce the risk of diabetes: If you want to moderate your blood sugar then sipping a cup of unsweetened green tea may help. Type 2 diabetes involves having elevated blood sugar levels, which may be caused by insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.  The EGCG in tea mimics insulin and improves insulin sensitivity.  But beware of drinks that contain green tea as an ingredient because they may be loaded with sugar.

– Improve your heart health: Heart disease is a worldwide health problem that affects many families.  But by enjoying a delicate brew of green tea you may lower your blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Studies also show that green tea may also lower your cholesterol.  So if you want to do your heart a favour, grab a cup of green tea and find a comfy spot to sit and relax.

– Reduce bad breath: Want to freshen up your breath? Drink some green tea.  The powerful antioxidants (catechins) in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth reducing your chance of having bad breath, allowing you to feel extra confident throughout the day.

Catechin polyphenols in green tea also appear to stimulate the use of fatty acids by liver and muscle cells. This then reduces the rate that carbohydrates are used and allows for more endurance and longer exercise times.

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